at his Los Angeles office

in LA's landmark Cathedral of Our Lady Of The Angels, 2004

When politics fail - the ART and the HEART prevail!
A case for turning ART into a tool of International Conflict Resolution
“Fire of Peace” is a project in works since 2001. It is an effort to deploy the transforming visual power of ART as a new and effective instrument of international conflict resolution by addressing one of the main underlying components of the conflict in acceptable and credible for its main participants terms.
“Fire of Peace” is aimed to provide a powerful and credible, inclusive platform to relevant forces in Jewish, Christian and Muslim worlds serving as an important component in the global contest of ideas and a key to achieving a lasting Peace. It is a visual reference reflecting broader pluralistic culture while remaining viable to traditional communities and thus encouraging a seismic shift in each respective group’s perception of the opponent.
Based on a belief in universal communicating prowess of art and its inherent public nature, the project is aimed at creating a new icon effectively communicating the new inter-cultural paradigm of unity and mutual acceptance.
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Copyright © Alexey Steele